Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lemon Buttercream Cupcakes by Sweet Vegan

So I finally got stuck into these cookbooks. I've only managed one recipe so far and that's the Lemon Buttercream Cupcakes from the book 'Sweet Vegan' by Emily Mainquist.

So first of all, I found the mixture to be extremely doughy. They were like bread like and not as sweet as I would of liked them to be. I guess as the recipe calls for brown sugar. Can anybody tell me if it's essential to use brown sugar as the majority of recipes use it. I would like to maybe half it and replace one half with caster to make them a bit sweeter. As for the doughy concern, I guess it's down to the use of 390g of flour! That's a lot. I think next time, I am going to half the recipe.

I found the butter cream to be lovely but didn't use the one given in the recipe as it involved 225g of butter, and thats' way to much! So I stuck to a previous one I've used. I used soya butter and it tasted grand!

And of course, I ate the majority of them!

ps. If you have any recipes that result in light fluffy cupcakes, PASS IT ON!


All about... (vegan) food said...

For the best vegan cupcakes recipes I'd say buy Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World :)

And I usually use white sugar when baking but even when I use brown sugar they come out sweet, maybe it's just the amount of sugar asked in the recipe you've used that is different.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah? Will fish out that recipe! Thanks :)